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Preservation & Repair / Restoration

Over time, a tree may develop weak or poor structure as a result of improper selection, inappropriate pruning or non-uniform growing conditions. These problems usually only become serious as trees enlarge in size. In our quest for the preservation of fauna, Topfell offers a range of solutions to remedy these problems depending on various factors as detailed below. Our services also include feeding – mulching, composting and liquid organic fertilisers.

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Cabling and bracing are the two most common forms of structural support for trees. They involve installing flexible cables or rigid rods to reduce the chances of failure of defective unions and restore or improve the structural integrity of a tree that is worth preserving. Individual limbs or the entire tree may be cabled and braced. Fasteners are attached to the weakened limb and the main trunk; and heavy duty cables are then attached to each fastener to provide the correct amount of support for the weakened limb. 

Bolting/Rod Bracing provides rigid support for weak branch attachments and split branches and trunks. These bolts or rods are screwed into the tree. 

Propping is required when (in most cases) pruning has not been done properly. This can result in upper branches and trunks being too weak or missing. Tree props provide structural support for trees that may be leaning or have heavy side branches. These props preserve trees that are in danger of falling; and reduce risk by stabilising trees to provide a safe environment. 

Topfell is worth every cent! The team worked so professionally. All safety protocol was followed, and the job was completed in no time. Refreshing to have this level of service. We need them every year at our clinics, and they have always provided us with the best service you could ask for.


Topfell customer

It takes a great deal of expertise and experience to know how to go about these technical services in a manner that protects the longevity of the living tree and the safety of those around it. Consider Topfell as your health care provider for all your trees and we will ensure the conservation, preservation and restoration of your valuable landscape.